Melissa Rea Dip NUT mBANT CNHC
Nutritional Therapist
A Nutritional Therapist, Melissa is a warm, compassionate practitioner, specialising in general nutritional health support with a particular interest in children of all ages. She practises in Bath and van Skype.
Melissa has a Diploma in Nutritional Therapy and trained at the College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is passionate about the importance of good nutrition and the impact it has on general health and wellbeing. Her aim is to help people make long-term improvements to their health. She enjoys working with a wide range of clients and being given the opportunity to make tangible differences to people’s lives.
She has a particular interest in children’s health and the importance of eating well for both physical and mental development. She is a mother of three young children, who have given her first-hand experience how the right changes and right nutrition can turn a child’s health around.
Melissa works as a NatureDoc practitioner, a highly regarded nutritional therapy practice specialising in the health of children and their families. NatureDoc practitioners apply a scientific and holistic approach to identifying health problems, using laboratory testing and gentle, natural interventions to provide solutions.
To find out more, or to book an appointment please contact:
Melissa on 07979608488 or call NatureDoc: 020 3397 1824.